Money In Other Book
McAllister further stated that after getting the news, the daughter of the owner asked the old man if he had stashed money in any other book. McAllister believes that the family would have gone through each and every book kept in the house to check if any of them had stashed money.
Only Book?
McAllister said, “I think [the donor’s] children were a bit stunned, and they asked him, ‘Did you do this in another book?’ I actually invited them to come down to our pre-sale before the public sees the books [in case] they wanted to identify any other books that he might’ve done [anything in].”
The Meeting
Cathy would have invited the family over her place but she herself was staying outside at the warehouse because of the approaching event. The woman was feeling good and contented after contacting the concerned family.
The Most Amazing Way
The family too could not thank her enough for her act of kindness. Very few people go the extra mile to help others. And the family showed their gratitude in the most amazing way. They donated a major part of the found money to the Volunteer Nonprofit Service Association. In no time this heart touching story became viral.
Overnight Star
Cathy and her amazing story soon hit the headlines. She was all over the news channels and papers. The woman who had spent the majority of her life in quietness had now flooded with fame and admiration.
She Answered
Whereas some posts were all about appreciation and admiration there were some that wanted to know more about her. One of them asked her why she did not keep the money to herself, to which Cathy replied, “I don’t know how you would sleep at night.”