Too Good To Be False
As days went by, Antonela started filling the cushion with rags to make everyone believe that the baby was growing inside and to specifically convince her husband. Everything seemed to be too real to doubt or consider being a lie.
Heights Of Con
The only thing that was now left was to get a sonogram report of the baby that was never even there. And Antonela’s clever brain had a trick for this also. There was going to be an ultrasound and a report as well. But how?
Antonela was so dedicated to her lies that she knew exactly what to do in which situation. She searched for a google picture of an ultrasound of the sonogram and quickly took a printout of it to add proof to her lie.
Hopes Shattered
The sonogram reports gave much deeper emotional hopes to the husband. Little did he know that it was someone else’s baby that he had been anticipating to be the father of. But the worst was yet to come.
The due date was just around the corner. September 22nd was the due date as per Antonela’s lies. And she was all set to play her worst hand. She knew her husband was trapped in her plan, and he was unaware of everything else around.
Deceptive Wife
Clever Antonela had been successful in pulling her husband along in her plan. She knew there was no chance of any doubts from her husband’s side because he was just too excited at the prospect of becoming a father.