There’s hardly ever a day in our life that passes by without reminiscing the memories of the past. Each one of us has a bundle of memories that we take along, no matter where we are and how old we are.
And one of the most beautiful phase of our lives, that has given us countless memories is the school days. But have you ever imagined a memory changing your life forever? The moment has already been lived, and it has already passed by, yet it is going to change two lives, all the way from 1955 to 2019.
In January of 2019, construction labors had been hired to dismantle the Jeffersonville High School structure, which had been standing still since 1913 on the corner of Meigs and Court Avenues. And what the labor found while working in the school building, was going to change two lives forever.
Old School
The Greater Clark County Schools district in Indiana runs around 20 educational institutions and has 10,500 pupils as part of the establishments. Jeffersonville High School had also been a part of the Greater Clark County Schools.
The Jeffersonville High School
The school has been one of the eldest schools of the district and used to be proud of its cutting-edge and ways and approaches to teaching. But now the school was going to be shut down and a new establishment was to be formed.
Eminent Place
Since 1913, the Jeffersonville school had been a prominent school in the district and had undergone a lot of changes ever since. For instance, in the 1940s, African-American students’ integration happened. But even among so many changes, there was one thing that was still there and never went missing.
The End
The buildings of Jeffersonville school had been through a lot. A lot of memories must have been made by numerous students of the school, but now it was time for new premises to be built in its place. Although the school campus had originally shut its doors in 1971, students were taught in the East End district until recently.
More Than A Building
When the dismantling of the Jeffersonville High school structure began, a lot of people who had been associated with the school felt like the building professionals were taking away a part of the history of the local district. That is how significant the school was. And its significance was soon going to increase with the discovery of a treasure.