The Last Bounce
The video ended when the cute fox threw up the toy for the last time and there beside the window Lupe finally sighed with relief that at last her bark didn’t go in vain. Our poor dachshund!
Viral Video
The video that the owner had made just for fun and to capture these incredible moments went insanely viral and 6 million people watched it and shared insanely over the internet.
Unanswered Questions
Despite unavoidable cuteness of the fox, one question was inescapable that how this little fox came in here. Was he tamed or was he on loose? In either way, he was in danger.
The Dark Story
They rescued the cub from the evil clutches of Fur Farm. Because of his friendliness, the saviors took him with them and despite the cunning behavior of the foxes, we know them for he was one of the friendliest foxes they had ever met.
Fur Farms
Fur Farms are basically a practice in which they breed the animals just for their fur. With 5000 fur farms in the European Union spread across 22 countries, European farmers produce most of the world’s farmed fur.
The Statistics
22 Countries of the European Union accounts for producing 50% of the global production wherein 70% is fox production. Finland is the largest United States supplier of fox pelts. The other major producers are China, the Netherlands, Russia, and the U.S.