The Strange Animal

The animal that was playing with the stuffed toy had shiny brown fur and was short in height. It was cheerful while playing with the toy, like no one was watching ignoring all the barking.
The animal couldn’t contain his excitement and was flipping over the toy, playing catches with it on an infinite loop like a kid. As he flipped the toy up, it would dance with joy and there stood Lupe who was getting anxious and barking endlessly behind the window.
Loud Noises
The owner could hear her barking, but she ignored it, she knew Lupe must have found something and would be barking in joy, oblivious to the fact that this time the discovery of Lupe was actually unusual today. What was the animal that had invaded her house and was playing with the toy endlessly ignoring all the barking?
Hearing Lupe’s persistent barking now the Kathy grew suspicious and ran in the room where Lupe was sitting to check if she’s safe. Unaware of what she will encounter next.
Unanticipated Behaviour
As she entered the room she sighed with relief to find Lupe safe and sound but then what was Lupe getting angry for? She had never seen her in so much of rage. What made Lupe so angry?
Checking The Mischief
Bewildered with the dog’s behavior she had a look at what Lupe was barking for. As Lupe saw her coming in her direction, she started to bark more loudly as if complaining about something serious.