We all know that sinkholes are very dangerous and troublesome. They are known to cause havoc and immense trouble with traffic. These sinkholes are bad enough for the people living on land, but you would be shocked to find out that they actually exist on the ocean floor as well. Water, chemicals, time, and bureaucratic mismanagement are the main causes for these ginormous holes that have been found deep in the ocean beds.
We as humans love to eat seafood. It seems other animals love to eat seafood too. In fact, a specific bird species known as gannets find their prey underwater. These birds actually use a fairly strange tactic to get to their prey, they dive under the water. Well, you can argue and say that many birds dive into the water to catch fish, but hod your horses because these birds are exceptional. These fishermen birds have been reported to dive as deep as 100 feet under the sea to catch their prey.