There were a lot of people who felt like it would not have been best to take the squid all the way to the shore. One of the more concerned people who left a comment on the post even said: “Why would you take it to the beach? Because you guessed it was hurt, you get to decide it gets to die?” However, not all of the comments that the video got were of a negative tone. A lot of the viewers were actually enjoying looking at James handle the giant squid in the water.
Mystery Animal
It is actually very rare for one to be able to have an encounter with a giant squid. It had remained a very mysterious living creature that no one really knows about for many years. Scientists did not have much knowledge regarding this aquatic animal and it was not until recently that they got to learn a bit more about this sea animal. The only way for a scientist to learn about these rare creatures is only if they turn up out of nowhere like this or their dead bodies get washed ashore by strong waves.
Very Large
One good thing to note is that the giant squid is the biggest of all known squid species. Where do they stay and why are they so rarely seen? Well, these squids mostly reside in very deep cold water. Hence they do not really come out of the deeper levels of the sea. Since scientists cannot go too deep under the water due to the temperature and pressure, these squids have remained a big mystery and very little is known till date about them. However, giant squid spottings have been reported all over the world.
There have been reports of discoveries of these giant squids in the Northern region of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, Sea of Japan, Hawaii, and California. Although they are seen everywhere, it does not happen too regularly and just a handful of them have been discovered even till now. These squids still hold up as elusive animals and although their sightings have proven to be international, very little is known about them and scientists are yet to discover some more answers.
Since there were so many people who left comments on the Instagram video that he posted, Taylor felt the need to answer their questions. He eventually gave answers to the people that have been asking him loads of questions. He made a revelation about the fate of the squid, whether it ended up surviving or not and put a rest to many viewers’ concerns. “I actually cut its head off when I got it to the beach to make sure it did not suffer any more than it already had,” Taylor revealed.
Well, you may be very shocked upon hearing what Taylor decided to so. But, actually, he knew exactly what he was doing and he continued to give an explanation about the whole incident to everyone: “I also saved the beak which I gave to a professor here in Cape Town that has been studying them for 15 years. The most probable cause of the bad state he was in was an injury during mating.”