What Happened?
For those wondering what took place during all the haphazard time at the sea, sorry to leave you disappointed. James never disclosed what actually went down with the squid after all of that effort he gave. But very recently he decided to upload a video to his Instagram account that made people want to see what he shared. People definitely curious to see what this surfer was about to share with them as they presumed he had a few secrets to tell.
The Video
When he uploaded the clip, he made sure he wrote something for the caption. What was it then? Well, James wrote: “Spotted an injured giant squid just behind the waves in Melkboss a while back and decided to try and get it to the beach.” The big question is how did James have the time or was ready with a camera if all the things that took place with the giant squid was a surprise? How can you be so prepared when faced with a surprise like this?
It turns out, James actually has a very big reason for carrying the camera during his ‘surprise encounter’. In fact, he is actually the co-founder of FanCam. What is FanCam? It is a company that aims to produce a high-resolution photo in a unique way. The clear photo would be a result of piecing together 100s of high-resolution photos to create an even bigger picture. So you may be confused by all of this and might even be asking what this all means…
Amazing Images
Actually, FanCam is a very impressive invention. The pictures that have been created using a FancCam would actually be so large that it would be enough to identify a single person at a stadium event. Isn’t that great or what? So we can say that Taylor is not really an amateur when it comes to working with cameras. it was actually just fate that decided to let him meet a giant injured squid that particular day and nothing else or nothing much. There is nothing to speculate about much.
Loads Of Viewers
Like we have mentioned in the previous slide, there were a lot of people who anticipated what Taylor was about to share on his Instagram. The video that he uploaded about the squid encounter actually raked up a lot of attention plus a ton of buzz. There were thousands of people who wanted to see the giant squid up close and so the video became a viral hit. The video of James and the squid has actually received about 60,000views on his account on the popular app.
Mixed Reviews
Since the video was viewed by thousands of people, there were obviously many people who went in to comment on it as well. After so many of Instagram users freaked out looking at the clip of the giant squid, many of them decided to leave a comment on Taylor’s video post. There were a lot of people who criticized his intentions about getting the injured giant squid to the shore. The video caused a lot of people to voice their opinions that obviously left room for a few arguments too.