Black Fur
With time, Eve’s black fur started to grow. His pink scales were now all covered with light fur. As the fur developed, the strange and weird looking creature started to look like a bear. Probably before this none could have ever imagined that it is a bear. Finally, life was getting better for this bear.
More Like Bear
Everyone at the wildlife center was happy to see the progress Eve was making. All of them just said that it looks more like a bear now. Anderson, a staff member said, “He’s exploring his enclosure much more, climbing frequently, and has especially enjoyed playing in his pool with the hot days we’ve been having.”
Little Old
Initially, members at FFAWC assumed that this bear is months old due to its small size and posture. But as he grew old and gained enormous weight at a time, it became evident that he is quite old, maybe 2-3 years old.
Bear Behavior
Eve’s mane has grown, his nails grew and most importantly his body proportion was normal. He was showing typical bear behavior like that of exploring their space and playing around. Eve would eat, play and sleep but yet hasn’t fully recovered.
Secondary Skin Treatment
Eve has completely recovered from mange. However, now he is been treated for other secondary skins disease that might develop with mange. He is under constant observation. His medications and food is properly taken care of. And volunteers at the center say…
Release Back
Anderson says that Eve’s condition is under their control and he is doing pretty good now. Moreover, they will soon release him to his nativity; the wild once he is perfectly fit to do for himself. Eve got a new life only because of the residents of California.