The secret of a mother’s happiness and the source to most of her worries are the same; her kids. From the day she knew she is pregnant, Bremen, Georgia resident, Georgeann Baxter, only prayed for her kid’s well being. When Georgeann held her first child in the arms, the just-born smiled in her sleep and she forgot herself in that very moment. She would do anything for her kids’ happiness and any mother would do the same. They’ll risk their own lives to keep their kids away from any sort of troubles.
Well, Georgeann didn’t get the chance to act when her 7-years-old daughter was being carried away. She was completely unaware of the struggle her girl was going through.
Georgeann, The Mother
Georgeann Baxter, mother of two healthy and creative kids: one son and one daughter. Her world revolved around her kids’ smiles and she took proud in this fact. Above all, her most favorite role was of a mother. It’s obvious that moms suffer extreme loneliness once their kids graduate and walk out of their hearts. And Georgeann felt this separation anxiety when her son left their home to join the military.
Distant From Her Son
Georgeann’s son was a responsible boy since childhood. He always came up with ways to lessen his mother’s burden. Being a part of the army and serving his country was his forever dream. When he finally joined the military, Georgeann couldn’t be happier knowing that her son was living his dream. Despite all the joy, she couldn’t help but feel lonely.
Empty-Nester Syndrome
Georgeann was clearly suffering from empty-nester syndrome, sad and lonely feelings among the parents after their kids leave home permanently for studies or career. She suddenly found her house quieter than the usual. She wouldn’t get to pass through this dreadful phase so easily if it wasn’t for another angel in her life.
Brittney, The Daughter
Luckily, Georgeann’s 7-year-old daughter was still at home. She was the only reason that the mother of 2 was able to get over her loneliness. Brittney, her daughter, was still too young to find anything other than her mom’s company interesting. Her day started and ended with her momma’s voice. From dropping her to school to keeping a check on her homework, Georgeann took care of everything by herself.
Best Friends
Brittney and Georgeann have always shared a strong bond and after Brittney’s elder brother left, this connection grew stronger. Brittney always insisting that her mom should take her on more play dates. She was okay with any place be it a mall, a playground, or a movie theatre. All that mattered to her was that she was going out.
Never Say No
Once Brittney grows up, she too will leave the home and before that happens, Georgeann wanted to store as many memories as she could with her. Therefore, she never denied any of her little princess’ request as she knew the importance of these moments more than ever. All she ever wanted was to spend as much time as possible with her girl before she chooses her life.