Symptom 2- Fatigue In Women
Studies have shown links between low vitamin D levels and tiredness, especially in young women. Women having blood levels which are less than 20 ng/ml or even 21–29 ng/ml complain more about tiredness than women having levels above 30 ng/ml.
Again, supplements can help here.
Symptom 3- Bone And Back Pain
Vitamin D plays a major role in increasing the body’s absorption of calcium. Studies have discovered a relationship between chronic back pains and lower levels of vitamin D. If you are suffering from pain in bones or lower back it could be a sign of low vitamin D levels in the body.
Symptom 3- Pain In Legs And Ribs
Women with deficiency of vitamin D complained more about severe backaches which hampered their daily work. A study found out that people having low vitamin D levels were more likely to suffer from pain in their joints, legs, and ribs than people with normal blood levels.
Symptom 4- Depression
People do not relate these two but depression could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. In a research, in 65% of the cases- a relation was found between depression and deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin D intake helps to improve depression, studies have found.
Symptom 5- Impaired Wound Healing
If you get injured and your wounds take a long time to heal then it could be a sign of low vitamin D levels in your body. It has been found that vitamin D helps in increasing the production of compounds which are required to form the new skin to shoot up the healing process.
Symptom 5- Inflammation
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in bringing inflammation under control and fighting infections. People with vitamin D deficiency have been found to have high levels of inflammation which are an impediment in the healing process. There has been no intensive research about the connection between wound healing and vitamin D- the area still needs to be explored.