A Try
The couple took things in their hand and informed Larry and Alouk about the same. Though all of them were hopeless that they would be able to find the dog, there nothing wrong in trying their best. For days, Trinity and Sean searched for the pooch but didn’t find him and decided to tell the bad news to the family and just then…
In The Lower Belt
When the couple was about to give up they heard a slight cry that was somewhere coming from the lower belt. Though they were glad to hear one, but they weren’t sure if it was Chloe or any other stray dog. They couldn’t believe what they saw next.
The Pooch
Sean followed the noise coming from behind the rock. It was one of those big rocks which could literally hide an entire vehicle behind it. And there it was. The missing dog. Sean recalls how scared the little creature was. He was shivering and could barely walk. He looked almost unrecognizable.
Unbelievable Discovery
Sean and Trinity could not express their happiness on locating this missing pooch. Even on the dog’s face, one could clearly see the fear of being separated from his loving family. However, the dog was in terrible condition.
Sharing Over Web
The couple shared their remarkable find over the web and informed all the people worried about the pooch’s sudden disappearance. They immediately informed Larry and Alouk and told them that they were bringing him home.
Needed Care
The dog needed immediate care and help. He was once 90lbs and now would weigh barely 26lbs. Lost in the woods, it was evident that he had barely managed to survive for six weeks almost empty stomach. Luckily, Trinity and Sean found him else it would have been worse. The pooch was taken to the vet.