Three Men
There were three mysterious men who entered the town and started to shop near a shipment of antiquities. There was no detail regarding their identity. Nobody knew who were they and where did their goods come from.
A Meeting
They had come to do a meeting with the prospective buyers of their goods. It was then the sellers laid opened their bag of treasure. The customers felt goosebumps all over their body when they saw it. But interestingly, there was more to it.
Undercover Police
Call it filmy, but these buyers were actually undercover police. The police arrested all of those three thieves immediately after catching them red-handed. And along with that, they secured the cargo as well. The police were in for a surprise as they did not know what was there among the stolen goods. They were soon going to find out.
All The People Involved
Scaringly, there were 10 people involved in this bootlegging. All of them were taken into custody. Turkish police have seen these kinds of cases aplenty. They are well aware of the motive behind the smuggling. Usually, these small groups often have links with large terror outfits.
District Required
The Turkish police had launched four operations in the middle of Tokat and the places around Turhal district. Alarming rise in the cases related to bootlegging forced police officers to come up with operations.
Suspicious Association
Well, this is not clear if the culprits are associated with a terror group. The suspicions of their connection with an anti-social group arise from the observation that almost all of the smuggling units shares a connection with any anti-humanity organization. This is how these organizations gather funds for their functioning.