Washing Dishes Now
Well, Tydus grew enough to look for leftovers in the sink and make Yumna’s life more difficult. He could have helped her clean those dishes he spoilt but he chose to break them. Tydus had started becoming a nuisance, in the sense that he was at an age where he bit and broke everything he came across. Given his growth, he was now the size of almost a full grown dog but he still thought of himself as a puppy.
Still Thinks He Is A Puppy
Well, there were days when Tydus could easily get in and out of the house through these openings in the wall. Maybe he just did not realize how big he had grown and how fluffed up his body was. Just like old days, he tried to sneak into the house through the opening and we can all see the consequence. He could not even get his head through rather got himself stuck. Well, he called rather howled to his mother who found him in this state. This was not even the beginning of Yumna’s problems!
“I Can Still Fit In With You Mom”
This picture clearly shows that Tydus himself had no idea about his size, he still thought of himself as that little puppy who could easily fit anywhere with his mom. Yumna clearly does not want to hurt his feelings and one can see her adjusting herself in the corner so that Tydus could fit in. In this image, Tydus is 8 months old and he still showed no signs of stopping his growth. He was no bigger than many dogs of his breed already and this was not the end.
Meanwhile, Meet Trez
Yumna is an animal lover and there is a bird which too, is sort of her pet. His name is Trez, he drops by often and is taken care of by Yumna. He is like Tydus’ playmate but they still have not gone beyond an acquaintance relationship. One can even measure Tydus’ growth with respect to that of this bird. Trez is much older than Tydus, 7 to be exact. Anyway, Yumna loves both and that at times makes Tydus jealous. A growing kid does like ALL the attention right?
He Doesn’t Really Protac But Definitely Attac
He can grow possessive about Yumna at times and so he regularly attacks Dad to remind him who the boss really is. Also, he really likes to bite hands, even Yumna’s. He would just keep her hand in his mouth and sit not letting her move. He knows the power he exercises in and over the house. At 8 months he was like a hound that could not be controlled. He was heavy for an Alaskan Malamute and outgrew a lot of dogs from his breed and there were still no signs of stopping.
Hello? Can You Hear Me?
Now that he is more than a full grown dog, Tydus does not have to paw the legs of his hooman family when he wants food, or attention or a cuddle or want to wrestle. He simply towers himself up and demands his food at the window. It is like being served at a Take-Away. He gets his food on the plate at the window like a boss. One got to see the next slide to really understand how this dog grew!