The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
This is the image and the slow progress that the structure took before being completed. It really did take a lot of time and effort to be able to finish it. They needed to be patient and wait for the concrete to set well and firm. Since they had worked really hard to pull this off, the guys were happy to know that it was nearing completion.
Taking Shape
Take a look at this photo and behold the change and progress that the whole structure took. Just a few days back, this site was something that was hidden and concealed under the ground but now it had transformed into this. It was almost ready to be explored. The time had finally come for them to excavate the insides of this mysterious structure.
Pure Amazement
The crew had been working hard and endlessly under the blazing hot sun. It was time to take a break and catch their breath and energize themselves. They were quite content to see that their work had finally taken some shape and that they were nearing the end of this time-consuming task. They could pat themselves on the back for being an effective team.
Their patience also paid off and now the concrete had fully dried up and set. It was now possible for them to take a look inside. The whole team found it unbelievable that this mysterious tunnel that they had worked on for so long could finally be explored. They worked so hard on it and perfected it so much that it looked somewhat new.
What A Discovery!
The black pipe that is clearly visible here is the main entrance of the tunnel which they would be exploring in a short while. They had been working hard to build this structure and that too without complaining once, so to say that they were excited would be an understatement. They had to build this because the air concentration deep under was insufficient.
Time To Explore
It was now the moment of truth to uncover what the insides of this long abandoned and mysterious tunnel had been hiding from the world all these years. The finished concrete work meant that it was safe and sound for the men to fully explore the inside of this site. What do you think awaits them inside? Could there be another living being?