Masha was not alone in the box but was hiding a human baby in it. Yes, you read that right. Masha was curled up like an infant. This sight made Irina lose her mind. From where did Masha find this baby and what was the baby doing there in a box on such a winter morning?
Left Baffled
Irina recalls, “You can imagine my shock when I saw her lying in a box next to a baby,”. For a second or two, Irina completely lost track of everything. A human baby here, how was this even possible? But soon only Irina called out for help.
Help Out
Irina ran towards her apartment and asked her neighbour for help. When the neighbor arrived for help even she was shocked to see a baby lying in a box. They immediately took the baby to their place and gave him some warmth. Neither of them knew what was supposed to be done next.
Heart-Melting Thoughts
Irina’s heart melted every time she thought of the heartless man who would have left this newborn baby out on the streets in such harsh weather. This was inhuman. How could someone do something like this to a baby? Did someone abandon this little child of G0d?
Warming The Baby
Irina immediately got some blankets and milk for the baby. She had no idea since how long the baby had been out on the streets in this cold. The child was in desperate need of warmth. Just then Irina realized something.
When Irina touched the baby, she realized that he was already warm. When she saw that Masha would not leave the side of the baby, she knew that it was Masha who kept the baby warm. This was incredible. An animal wholeheartedly took care of a human baby.