Uneasy Feeling
Empty street and not much soul to look around she was walking in a rush. With few people, she met in a way she didn’t look them and just made her way across them. Holding her handbag tightly in her arms she looked for the ATM. She felt like someone was behind her but she didn’t have the courage to look back. She kept moving slowly increasing her pace. But she was already marked and soon there were four footsteps following her in the empty streets.
Winny was almost near the ATM which was just a few steps away. She could hear footsteps coming towards her, she brought the handbag closer to her chest. Her hands were trembling with unknown anxiety. She couldn’t find her ATM, she could hear a person standing just behind her. Without turning back she said, “You go ahead, I’ll be a minute”. The woman who was standing behind her thanked Winny for her generosity and went ahead. But, the danger she thought was gone was crawling towards her.
Where Is It?
Though her handbag wasn’t big the struggle was for real. The ATM card she was looking for seemed like missing from the bag. She was sure it was in the bag. Where it is then? She thought. She started memorizing the events that happened to her. She still couldn’t make the ATM card in those events. But she didn’t realize the terror was approaching her in silence.
At Last!
Winny kept searching for the ATM card inside her handbag which was right there in the same pocket where she always keeps it. But some weird feeling took away all her mind. The ATM was in her hand she hurried because there was someone behind her who she thought was waiting in line. She swiped her card in the ATM and while she was putting her confidential details in the machine she could sense that now there were three people standing in the line. Soon they started moving towards her. She thought they were in a hurry to use the ATM but no.
Out of Nowhere
Winifred has spent her whole life with one motto in mind, “give kindness, receive kindness back”. More than bad she has always been welcomed with good. Even while she was making the transaction she knew there are three people behind her and rather than thinking something bad for her she thought they are moving towards her only because they were getting late. With that thought in her mind, she entered her PIN and she waited for the money to come out while the machine made the crunching sound…
Transaction Successful
Winni was waiting for the money to come out. She took out more than enough from her account as she didn’t want to get embarrassed again in the future. The moment she held the money in her hand a sudden force from the back made her fall on the floor leaving in her extreme pain. Her back screamed in pain. What just happened? She thought to herself. She could see three shadows surrounding her. Then she did something unexpected.