Treasures Pile Up
This is probably the find of their lifetime- for the people engaged with this project of recreating the entire city stone to stone back on land. Nothing could beat finding so many artifacts all together, in fact, a whole city underwater.
Traveling To Find More
Since it is an entire lost city that has resurfaced it has attracted historians and archaeologists from around the world who have flocked to carry out research on the same. This is really a treasure of a kind discovered by mankind!
Untouched By Time
What is most surprising is that even after being underwater for thousands of years the city was almost untouched. Nothing seems to have been lost, everything came together nicely. One could say that the city was laying there patiently, waiting to be discovered.
Red Granite
This is the granite statue of Hapi and it is among the few statues of its size from the ancient past to have been discovered in almost unscratched condition. Mesmerizing isn’t it? But this is not the end of this city.
A Museum
An entire museum can be made for the city of Thonis-Heracleion, such is the magnitude of the discovery. Whether there will be a new museum for this incredible find or things will be shifted to an already existing one it has not been decided yet, one this is for sure- the finds will be open to the public.
What Researchers Say
Masson-Berghoff, one of the researchers involved in the project said, “My hope is that future discoveries will enable us to shed more light on the lives of ordinary people.” We hope to find out more about an entirely new civilization too.