Small But Heavy Ones
They decided to lift the baby cubs with the help of the net. In urge, to help those cubs out they had forgotten that the cubs were also bears. They were very heavy that made it difficult for the rescuers to bring them up. The video that has recorded the incident has a fishermen saying “It’s heavy! The net is rotating.” Another fisherman who was helping him get the cubs on the boat replied: “It’s damned heavy, yes!” That was unlikely that the cubs were going to come up with the help of the net. What other options did they have?
Caught In The Net
They hear shuddering sight was enough for the fishermen to melt for the cubs. They struggled hard to get a suitable solution to this problem when one of them come up with a brilliant idea of saving them. He discussed the idea with his co-workers and executed it. They threw their fishing net into the water. They did it to watch the bear in it and once they had the dog inside it they began to drag it up. Due to the excessive weight of the cub, it was a bit difficult for the men to lift the net up. But as they say, if you are determined then you easily can move a mountain. Another problem was that the cub was yet to adapt to the company of the human.
Half Done

They successfully rescued the first cub but the real problem came when they had to resue the second one. No doubt that pulling the cub with the help of net was a brilliant idea. The cub that was rescued was taken on the boat and was being assisted by the other fishermen whereas the other one was still struggling in the water. Now, the fishermen had to rescue the next cub in distress. It too was shivering with cold and was waiting desperately for the fishermen to bring them on their boat. The cub was moving around the boat and was floating on its back. The condition of the bear was really very appalling.
Mission Accomplished!
The fishermen used their idea of fishing net to rescue the other cubs. Though it was a bit risky as they did not know would the be able to pull this cub out due to its heavy weight. But they had no other option. They gave it another shot and once again put the net into the water. Like earlier, they got the cub into the net and started lifting it up. The cub looked almost lifeless. Its appearance was describing everything about its ordeal. It was to see how much energy was left in him to survive such tense situation.
Recording The Sentiments!
The video aptly describes the connection that a human can have with the strange and presumably wild cubs. It is clear in the tape that the bears were very much scared and were desperate for help. And when they got one they could not help but cling to it. The humans were their only hope for survival. If this story has appealed you then do not forget to watch its video. That would surely tug at your heartstring.
What Next?
The fishermen rescued them and catered to their basic needs. After the bears recuperated and gathered enough strength to stand on their feet the fishermen thought about their shelter. They pondered where should they take them. Should hey take them to their native place or leave them to their habitat? Finally, they decided to let them go. It was not a good idea to keep them with them for a longer time.