Getting A Hold Of Life
As the picture clearly shows the cubs were in a very miserable condition. When the boat approached them, one of the cubs held on the corner of the boat very firmly. Though he was extremely weak, he still had sufficient power to cling on to the boat. Both the cubs were shivering. From head to toe, they were drenched in icy water. Both the cubs were looking scared to death. Naturally, they could not help but hold on to the last hope they came across. Though the cub managed to have a grip on the boat he was too feeble to climb it up. Despite his weakness, he tried hard to get on the boat.
Teeth As A Tool
You can fathom the desperation of the cub by the fact that he tried everything possible to get on the boat. As his hand had stopped working due to the constant swimming and cold he began taking the help of his teeth to stay glue with the boat. He inflicted his teeth to the different parts of boats in order to hold on to it. He did so because he hoped that his teeth would help him lift his body up. But all his efforts were in vain as due to its extremely week and sleeky body he could not bear his own weight, let alone getting on the weight. It’s great to see that the desire to live can make do anyone anything, even if the victim is a dog.
Wild Enough To Pose A Threat?
The fishermen were on their toe to help the drowning cubs. But before extending their hand of help they had to make sure that they would not get into problems in order to help these animals out. Because eventually, they were wild animals. and going near a wild animal is nothing less than inviting the threat. Ruslan Lukanin’s one of the person who also was present on the ship during the incident said ” It was dangerous, of course. But they are living creatures.We couldn’t just look the other way.”However, the situation here was completely different. The cubs were struggling for their lives and there was no chance they were going to retaliate.
The Speaking Eyes
The scenario was remarkable for the fishermen. Both the cubs were drenched in the cold water that also had made their body slippery. What was worst that they were almost on the verge of losing their lives. The trembling cubs knew that they need someone’s help in order to get their life back. Though these cubs were unable to speak their eyes conveyed it all. The fishermen still cannot forget the eyes of the cubs. It seemed like they were asking for help. Clearly, the cubs were desperate to get any help. And seeing a boat coming towards them was nothing less than the blessings for them. Both the cubs looked at the people on the boat as their only savior.
How To Help?
There is nothing bigger than a sense of humanity! The fishermen were too softhearted to ignore their plea. They tried to figure out the strategy to bring those cubs up on the boat. They had to take every step very carefully as any delay or mistake can imperil the lives of these dogs Along with that they did not have much time to ponder. So clearly, they had to find out a solution in no time. They have to be very careful as it was important to them that the cubs do not get hurt. The video has also featured the fishermen talking over the solution. Rescuing the dog was not an easy feat as they were too heavy to lift up by hand. They needed something else for that. It took them some time to find out what they could do but lastly, they found something out.
Talking Things Out
The cubs were very terrified and that is clear in the video. They were trembling with fear. In order to get them calmed and composed the fishermen try to talk with them. They did everything they could to comfort the cubs. But it was not an easy thing to do. At that moment the cubs needed nothing but a dry place to sprawl on. In the video you can hear a rescuer comforting the cubs by saying “Take a rest, little one, take a rest. Hold on, hold on.” “‘Don’t be afraid, just don’t be afraid. We’ll rescue you, don’t be afraid.”