First Ever Facial Reconstruction
We have been hearing of celebrities and other people undergoing plastic surgeries and cosmetology every now and then. But have you ever wondered that when the science was not that fine and furnished, how did such surgeries worked out and what were the results? This is the picture of the patient named Walter Yeo who is believed to be the first man to receive the facial reconstruction surgery to rectify the marks he suffered from an injury. Such kind of a thing was never even heard at that point in time.
A Spray Tan Machine
It’s hard to believe that history has ever seen a machine like that of “Spray tan”. As suggested by the name, it was an equipment used to tan one’s body. People back in 1949 visited salons to get their bodies ready for the summer months. They got their white skin darkened. In this photograph as well, a blonde woman is seen coloring herself up in colors of tan.
Chimp Launched Men Into Space
Who knew a chimp would show us the way to space? This picture was taken in 1961 when Ham-the chimp returned back from space after being launched as the very first primate into space. As a part of America’s space initiative, this chimp was sent to space to see whether men can reach there or not. even the headlines read, ” Space Chimp Lives, Paves Way For Flight By Men”. People say some special arrangements were made in regard to his couch so that he doesn’t hurt himself up in the process.
Length And Decency
Though today it might sound very abrupt, there was a time around 1920’s when a marshal was appointed at every beach, who measured the length of every woman’s bathing suit to make sure that it wasn’t indecent at any cost. The length of the suit shorter than a definite length made a woman prone to a fine. This surely hinders the feminist thinking, but was it decent enough for a marshal to check those lengths?
Left To Right And This
This picture is a perfect example of the saying that it takes forever to change your habits. Sweden, just like England asked its drivers to drive on the opposite side of the road. When Sweden changed its driving and traffic laws in 1967 it invited a havoc for itself. The drivers lost their cool and the main road was all jammed due to the gradual shift of driving in left to the right side.
Original Prototype Of Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore today showcases the sculpture of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln in the order from left to right. But initially, in the year 1923, the very first prototype of the wall sculpture saw Thomas Jefferson’s face on the opposite side of George Washington. As the sculpture went into 18 months of carving, the makers realized that the granite was weak to stand the face in that spot. His face was then dynamited off and was carved on the other side.