An Unusual Request
“We approached them and Githae alias Blackie was willing and ready but Njeri was a bit hesitant because she thought we would be taking advantage of them. We assured them that we just wanted them to have a good time and that is when she agreed,” told Johnson.
A Great Couple
Sammy insisted on accepting this offer. This would be his Valentine’s gift to his girl and they weren’t sure life will ever give them, such a great chance again. Before all his requests, Zipporah eventually gave in.
Spreading The Message Of Love
Sammy, on the other hand, believed that the world needed to see his and his girlfriend’s love. So, it was time to execute the plan. The team had a plan of shooting the before and after pictures of this couple. Before a makeover and after a makeover. Yes, it wasn’t going to be a simple photo shoot.
Interviewing The Couple
Along with their photoshoot and makeover, the team also wanted an interview with the couple. Although the couple was happy to find each other, their past was miserable. It was after the couple shared the story behind their being homeless.
How They Ended Up Homeless
“Njeri and Githae met two years ago at Central Park which they eventually made their matrimonial “home”. Githae, who has been on the streets since 2012, was forced out of his home while in Standard Four because he was the “black sheep” of the family while Njeri was left an orphan. She abandoned school in Form One,” said Johnson.
The Before Photo Session
Johnson clicked the couple’s before photos first and later the team took them for a makeover. The first thing they did was to take a long and refreshing hot water bath. And brush their teeth properly. After an hour or so, the couple was all set for the makeover process.