A Brand New Side
And so the introduction of wheels to Bernard truly flipped his reality. It was as if he had drunk some happy potion because Bernard was always up and active. Although he was naturally a happy cat, this was heights. And over the span of a number of days, Jenifer was introduced to a brand new Bernard that she had never met before.
Nothing Could Stop Him
And this was a side to Bernard that made her very happy. You see, the cat was now as agile and active as any other cat. It had given him a boost of confidence and sheer happiness. It had brought out a side of him that could match up to any cat with proper working front and back legs. Nothing was going to stop this cat and this made Jenifer really happy.
Full Of Capability
And something really adorable was the fact that this cat was unaware of his condition. “He has no idea he is not like the other kitties. He is a sweetheart, loves to snuggle and makes friends with everyone,” Alissa revealed when asked about how Bernard behaves when he spends time with other cats. His does not focus on his inability to move properly.
Yet Another Incredible News
And after some time, something amazing took place. Bernard had not been using his hind legs every since the time he was rescued till now. And soon he was given wheels that serve as a substitute for his hind legs. Jenifer met with something that astounded her after Bernard used his wheels for some time. The cat showed signs of him making use of one of his legs…
Gradual Improvements
Jenifer was already convinced that her cat would never use his legs anymore, that he was fine using the wheels she made for him. But she met with a piece of unexpected news as Bernard began to make use of his legs. She explained, “She has noticed him starting to use one of his legs from time to time but the other one is still non-functional. He gets along very well even without the use of his legs.”
Unexpected And Heartwarming
This cat is truly a special cat that does not let any obstacle hinder him from making progress or living his life as best as he can. Bernard is now slowly progressing and has not stopped making improvement regarding his condition. People who know him are always so excited to learn about the news about him and the inspiring ways he deals with his condition.