Is It Real?
When many people’s emotions got attached with the story of godzilla_moon the question arose if it was authentic or not. The doubts came from the fact that the virtual account named as godzilla_moon was only related to the recent viral story. there were no previous stories. He answered very selective questions. Many people suggested this was done to protect his privacy and that’s all.
A popular website named Snopes got into the picture when they started an investigation to know the authenticity of Godzilla_moon. Snopes told it depends “heavily on deeply entrenched stereotypes of shiftless women and the meal-ticket men they routinely drain dry.” They made their final statement that finally put an end to all the questions.
After taking over a month of time they issued a statement. At last, nothing was ever really concluded. So, we guess the real names of the characters (if they exist) will always stay a mystery…