So Happy
Sara describes her decision of rescuing Ginger and making the dog her travel buddy as the best decision she’s ever made. To say she’s happy to make a difference in ginger’s life would be an understatement. “No words are enough to describe how happy I am to have been able to bring Ginger’s smile back, and she makes me happy too,” Sara said. She’s glad that she didn’t care about the expenses that came along in traveling with Ginger.
New Family
It is often said that “two people is a friendship, and three is a family”, her arrival in Barcelona gave Ginger a new extended family. In addition to Ginger, Sara already had two other pets, namely Ula and Joy. They were Sara’s family dogs. The gang of three got along from the very moment they met, they would play with each other running wild in the backyard. A family of her own was the best present Barcelona had for Ginger.
Enjoys City
Ginger had spent the first half of her life in Zambia, for her, life in Barcelona was an all new experience. Her curiosity to discover her new homeland had filled her with enthusiasm. Unlike her life in Zambia, Ginger gets all the good attention here, she gets adored by strangers walking by on the streets. She loves everything about this place, the fancy cars, tall buildings, the streets. In Sara’s words, she is more than happy here “she stops after every few steps, to smell the other dogs” Sara said.
Upcoming Adventures
At present, Sara and Ginger are in Barcelona, having fun with their family during the vacations. Their stay here is short as they are planning for a new travel adventure. However, their life is not all travel, fun, and frolic. Sara’s experience with Ginger gave her a new objective in life. After their return to Barcelona, both Sara and Ginger took up the project of saving other stray dogs like Ginger, who are living a miserable life.
Happy Together

What’s meant to be will eventually happen. They are both happy to be together, “she’s like my kid,” León said. Ginger realizes that she’s a lucky dog to have been rescued by Sara; not every dog gets to travel around the world. And for Sara, the reunion felt like she had met with a long-lost family member. May they have more adventures and trips in the future to add to their travel diary.