The Luckiest Dog

It took time for Ginger to realize that how privileged she was to have a friend like Sara. Sara would always tag her along to all the places she would travel to. Sara made sure that Ginger always felt loved. They would go for long walks, play together, cuddle, and Sara would read to Ginger that helped the dog relax, “while it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary.”
Dogs Prohibited

Traveling with a dog is not as easy, and it wasn’t easy for Sara either. While the heavy expenses can’t be ruled out, there is a dozen of restrictions that one has to face while traveling with their dogs. Unlike the west, people in Africa are scared of dogs and there were certain areas where carrying Ginger became quite challenging. For instance, Sara had to be extra cautious at the zoo, she had to make sure that Ginger didn’t bark at other animals, which is a dog’s trait. There were often obstructions while crossing the African borders due to lack of proper documents that could prove that Ginger was not being smuggled.
And A Lot More
In Sara’s words “dogs are amazing” and she had learned a lot from Ula and Joy (her pet dogs in Barcelona). But it was Ginger who influenced her and changed her for good, he made her wild in a good way and taught her how life should be. She learned a valuable lesson from her experience with Ginger that life can be exactly the same as you want it to be, and she’s more than happy with this realization.
Doggo Goes To School
People in Africa don’t think very good about dogs and they have formed a rigid perception that dogs are dangerous. They often throw stones at the dogs or kick them when they encounter them in the streets. But “life’s problems wouldn’t be called hurdles if there wasn’t a way to get over them.” Sara and Ginger stood up to the challenge, they started visiting schools and educated the students so they don’t fear dogs. A lot of kids interacted with them and gave Sara and Ginger with beautiful memories.
Sensitive Being
For a dog, Ginger had been through a lot in her life which made her sensitive. Losing her sister and the separation from Sara followed by her relocation had made her compassionate towards others. Ginger is always reaching out to other dogs who are in need of help. For instance, Ginger once spotted a dog in a street, and Sara didn’t see it, Sara thought it was a cat and asked ginger to let go as Ginger started to push. However, it did turn out to be a dog who was in need of help. This dog does own a beautiful heart.
Travel Diary
Ginger and Sara had the time of their lives in Zambia. They didn’t miss out on anything, once Sara took Ginger to one of her friend’s place there and had a blast. Sara didn’t know at the time that Ginger could swim. It came to her knowledge when Ginger dived right into the swimming pool at her friend’s place to accompany Sara. They had a lot of fun and they successfully added another adventure to their travel diary.