A Painful Past
In 2007, Mimi said goodbye to the world. The woman passed away right before her 91st birthday. Both of them had gone leaving behind the mysterious suitcase that they had prohibited their children from touching. So what was going to happen with that suitcase now?
Opening The Suitcase
Boers and his siblings finally decided to unravel this mystery. The suitcase was still inside the storeroom. Covered with a thick layer of dust, the suitcase was giving away its enigmatic vibes. They unlocked it and saw……
There Was It
No need to say, the suitcase had a lot of things inside it. But among them, there was one thing that made them drop whatever they were holding in their hands. Now it was very clear to why their parents never spoke to them about the suitcase.
The Family’s Treasures
To begin with, the suitcase was full of letters, records and war medals most probably earned by their fathers during his stint in the military. They put it out and went through each and everything. However, there was nothing in those documents or letters that needed to be kept as a secret. But their doubts soon dissipated when they reached the bottom of the suitcase.
The Wedding Film
Boers remembers vividly, “On the bottom of the suitcase, I found little boxes that had the name Kodak written on them.” It was a video having April 18, 1939, scribbled on it. The video was 8mm long. What was it about? The siblings were soon going to figure out.
The Faces Of Strangers
They inserted the video in their cassette player and pressed the play button. The video despite being so old ran smoothly. It featured a bride and a groom with a big crowd in a city hall and later in the synagogue.