Lesser Known But Must Know!
No doubt they get stressed very easily when away from their mothers and for the same reason very few carertakers adopt them for the fear of losing them. A joey can stay alive for several days in her mother’s pouch even if she dies, and hence it is always a must to check on a dead kangaroo to be sure if there’s a joey and help aid him immediately with intense tenderness and keeping it warm. The couple knew they’d to be quick in finding a suitable kangaroo care center but it wasn’t as easy as it seemed to them.
Roos Everywhere
For Australia where approximately 86,000 native animals meet their end on road accidents yearly, it is very important to raise awareness about these innocent creatures slowly dying in their mothers’ pouch without ever seeing the world. On the basis of their knowledge, Theresa took the joey in and was trying to keep him warm, she knew he needs to be fostered but she had no clue which milk will be suitable for the young kangaroo, meanwhile Tony tried to look for a specialized caretaker nearby.
What To Do?
As soon as Theresa warmed the tiny roo and wrapped him in a pouch-like blanket, she started calling around the city to give him a shelter home with a registered caretaker, infinite calls were made but she received no response. She was sure that there will be enough caretakers available just like in her last city where the baby will be safe.
For the time being, no one calls back, Theresa knew she has to take charge and “what to feed a kangaroo” was the question, so she started searching on internet about what type of milk or teats she should be needing to feed the baby and finally sent Tony with a list of things they’ll require to proceed with.
Disappointing Call
One day passed without any callbacks but the second day, when Theresa received a call, she was expecting that now the baby roo they saved will be getting a fortunate place, where he’ll feel comfortable with others just like him. The call ended disappointing them. The couple had no thoughts of this situation in front of them. But they were sure, not ready to let go so easily.
The more helpless the creature, the more that it is entitled to protection by man from the cruelty of man, this saying of Mahatma Gandhi explains all that possibly went through the minds of the Matthews that day even after the disappointing call.
A Euthanised Fate
The person called and informed the couple that there were very few specialists in the town and all were fully occupied and further remembering that moment Theresa said, “We realized that there was no one here for these joeys and they were being euthanized, not because there was anything wrong with them, but because there was nowhere to go.” Theresa was disheartened by what she just heard on the call but she knew the little boy was healthy and looking into his eyes she just couldn’t let him go.
Caring Nature
Theresa has loved animals throughout her life and has checked the pouches of deceased kangaroos for their joeys before as well due to her knowledge about them. But she didn’t have all the information about ‘wild animal rescue volunteer’. She has been caring for injured and orphaned birds from the time she moved to her new place and that was all rescues she made so far.
However, this new arrival a day before, and no hopes for the little guy other than the Matthews’ place made it necessary for Theresa to learn more about these animals so that she could help the joey to get proper nutrition. She sure had bigger plans in her mind but all she needed was a ray of help!