Knock Knock!
What would you do if a stranger knocks on your door and asks you an even more strange question than he himself is? Something similar happened to the Matthews on one fine day in 2010, the couple’s life was taking a twist when an unfamiliar person made a surprise visit to their place. Theresa recalls noticing this guy who was approaching their garden fence, “A chap pulled up at the front fence and said, Do you look after wildlife? I said, Why?”
One Peculiar Question
The man asked them a question and the Matthews didn’t know what to say and why was he even asking them such a weird question? They never worked as rescuers before but the guy didn’t seem to be playing a prank on them either. So the couple just replied to this stranger with a questioning gesture but they needed to be quick as the person seemed to be in a rush. And what was done next started a whole different chapter in the couple’s life story.
The Dilemma
Though Tony and Theresa had no idea what the guy was talking about yet they were curious as his question was clearly indicating that some wild animal was in need and that’s why the guy was asking for their help. The old couple was aware of their safety but couldn’t resist from knowing what it was actually about and hence Theresa asked him the most obvious question, ie, “Why?” And this guy’s answer put the couple in a dicey situation.
A Grey Roo
The guy seemed in a hurry and he said, “I’ve got a kangaroo in the car.” The couple had never taken care of a kangaroo before and they’d no idea about caring a kangaroo. But they knew that the guy might just abandon the poor animal and wanted to save the life of the one lying in the car. So they chose to do what anyone would do to save the kangaroo. They quickly decided to take the animal and then find any nearest animal rescuer who’ll have enough knowledge to help the roo in the car. The more shocking thing was yet to be unveiled…
When Tony looked at the injured roo, he realized it was a baby kangaroo, an unfurred eastern grey orphaned joey. Now, before you think why are we emphasizing so much on the kangaroo being a kid, its because joeys are the most difficult animals to hand raise for a very genuine reason, roos are born when they weigh less than a gram and crawls to their mother’s pouches and stays there for months until they are mature enough for the outside environment. This was more than expected responsibility on the Matthews’ shoulders now.
Drove Away!
As soon as the stranger handed over the little roo to Tony who was gently holding the baby, the guy without any explanation about what happened to the mother kangaroo or where did he find the joey, drove away. Theresa and Tony on the other side were left confused with so many questions unanswered yet knowing that right now their priority was to save the baby they just took responsibility for. About kangaroos, everyone knows but fewer people know how complex a kangaroo’s birth method is and how unusual it is compared to all other species.