A Hole

After some investigations, authorities reached to the conclusion that the infiltrators had entered the premises by drilling a hole through 20-inch-thick walls of the vault. They made into the area through the elevator shaft of the building. Do I need to say more?   

It’s Viral

Luckily, police got their hand on a few closed-circuit television footages exposing the man who had dared to enter the safe deposit without any permission. The news went viral in no time. And everyone came to know about those three culprits. 

A Mystery

Nobody knew their real identity, so the public gave them nicknames. They began to be called Mr. Strong, Mr. Montana, The Old Man, The Tall Man, and The Gent. It was to see whether the world was going to know about their real identity or not.       

The Castle

As soon as the job was done. Jones, Collins, and Perkins resumed their daily ritual of meeting at The Castle. Now the motive was not limited to drinking beers. They had serious stuff to discuss now.

Plan And Execution

They had made their plans of robbing the Hatton garden at the Islington pub. And now as they were done with their job they needed to figure out the safest way to sell their stolen good without coming in the eye of the police.  

Not Aware

But as they say, every culprit always leaves some evidence. The officers had begun to track them by now. Officers were keeping a close watch on them when they were discussing their business. The officers confiscated vehicles of Collins and Perkins. They did not know that the police was following them closely.