Reaching The End

The police hiding behind the vehicle overheard everything that the men said to each other regarding the burglary which happens to be the biggest one in the history of England. Clearly, the case was moving to its closure. 

A Bag

One thing leads to another. Soon the police had uncovered all the culprits when they found Hugh Doyle, the fourth one involved in the conspiracy. They finally got their hand on a bag full of stolen jewels.

The Finding

Officers went on to find a couple of bags filled with gems under headstones etched on the graves of the Jones’ partners family members. No there was not a single shred of doubt left. They arrested Jones, Collins, Perkins, Doyle and five others immediately.          

Pleaded Guilty

The four old men who were primarily responsible for the burglary pleaded guilty. The court gave them prison sentences. It was a unique case on its own. So, naturally caught the interest of Hollywood as well.  

A Movie

Three movies have been made on burglary till now. The list includes King of Thieves too that got released in 2018. The film had starred Michael Caine. Maybe the story related to the 1836 Bank of England will turn into a picture someday.

The Man

We still wonder whether the story is a real one or just a fabrication. If it is true then we should admire the honesty of the sewer worker even though he had ample opportunities.