Record-Breaking Babies
The Merrie twins proved to be record-breakers. As, before they were born, the largest twins born in Scotland were Mya and Ollie Kennedy in 2010, with a combined weight of 15lb 14oz. Their record was demolished by Troy and Kaius Merrie. “A combined weight of 16lb 13oz is very unusual and probably the heaviest set of twins we have ever delivered in Lothian,” said Finch.
Signs From Far Away
Alanna recalls, “What’s funny is Kaius looked so much like our first daughter Aubyn when he came out, One of the community midwives said to me that in having twins we were somehow getting her back to us and the boys were bringing our family together.” Paul was more than happy to have twin boys.
Recovered From The Past
Though, the tragedy of losing their daughter Aubyn was something that would always haunt them. But, fortunately, the newborns were able to give the parents some much needed moments of relief and helped them to overcome the past tragedy.
Ready For The Future
“It’s always great for any lad to have a boy. We all know boys can get into a bit of trouble but we’ll keep them busy – a lot of sports will do them good,” said Paul. “We have a lovely little daughter and now that we have boys, it’s a complete package.”
Leaving The Hospital
A happy Alanna after bringing the twins to their home, after a week said, “They lost a little of their body weight over the first couple of days, which is normal, but they are doing really well, they are quite chilled out and they love a cuddle.” The decision of not buying any clothes for the twins proved to be right.
A Little Challenging
“They don’t really fit into newborn clothes, they have quite big feet and big hands”, a happy Alanna said. Regardless of all these minor challenges, the couple was very happy to witness their newborn in perfect health and happiness. This was the only thing they had wished for.