Giving birth to a child is the most precious feeling for a mother. It is a memory which she cherishes forever. But, for this mother from Scotland, the feeling and the sight of her newborn was a little special and extraordinary. Witness it for yourself, it is surely a rare sight to watch.
A Special Feeling
No one can shy away from the fact that, without a child a family is incomplete. The sight of a father to watch his child in a happy and playful mood after a long days work is very emotional. Similarly, for a mother, her child is the pivot on which her life revolves.
Two Special Boys
Alanna was extremely happy on giving birth to her twin boys. It was the most precious feeling for her to see her newborns happy and healthy. Fortunately, all the scans which the doctors did of the babies showed that they were in perfect size and health. Alanna couldn’t have expected more.
Busy Life
Married to Paul Merrie, a physical trainer, Alanna lives in Edinburgh, Scotland. The couple was a busy-bee as Alanna was a doctor herself. They tried their best to spare some time for their one-year-old daughter, Ayla.
A New Found Happiness
Ayla’s presence in the family was the key factor, which had made the couple forget about a bitter tragedy in the past. The incident goes like this that, before the couple had their daughter Ayla, Alanna had been pregnant with another child. After delivery, they named the little girl Aubyn. Unfortunately, after only a few days, Aubyn passed away.
Twin Boys
By The Almighty’s grace, Alanna was pregnant again. Surprisingly, they were expecting twins! Though, the fact that both Alanna and her husband were blessed with the presence of many twins in their family made them take the news of giving birth to twins very normal.
Smooth Sailing
Without taking any risk, Alanna frequently went for check-ups. Shona Finch, the manager for maternity at NHS Lothian, said, “Twins can often be smaller when they are born.” Fortunately, Alanna’s pregnancy was progressing very well. “We were monitoring their growth throughout Alanna’s pregnancy so we knew they were both going to be healthy weights,” said Finch.