
Justice was founded in 2004 and became one of the most popular retail stores that carried clothes for teenage girls. The company was doing super well during the mid-2000s but started to see a decline in sales after 2015.
Once the pandemic hit, this led Justice to close down over 600 stores across the nation. Justice plans to close down the remaining stores this year as they are in full liquidation mode, so we won’t be seeing any more Justice storefronts in the future as this company has not been able to survive the pandemic and this not-so-good economy.

Sears is one of the oldest companies that has been around since 1892 and was one of the biggest retail sales in the nation. Sadly, Sears has seen better days as it was hard not to shop at Sears back in the day, but now there are only a few remaining as the company has filed for bankruptcy.
Sears had known for a while that it would not last much longer, so it decided to liquidate the company slowly so that it could get the most out of the remaining stores. It is only a matter of time before all Sears are closed down.
Disney Stores

Disney is one of the largest corporations in America and has several stores around the world, as people go crazy for its merchandise. But things haven’t been looking too good for Disney’s storefronts, as they have seen a decline in sales ever since the pandemic.
Disney has already closed down over 100 stores since the pandemic and plans to only have a small number of stores in the future. Disney has also started to see a record low in park attendance, as it seems that people are looking to save as much money as they can nowadays.

Kmart is another extremely old company that has been around since 1899. The company reached its peak in 1994 but has declined ever since. The company was destined to eventually close its door, which it did recently.
There are only a couple of remaining stores in the nation, and they are set to close by the end of the year. Kmart has operated for more than 100 years, but sadly, not every company can last. The first Kmart was opened in Garden City, Michigan, and became one of the most popular retail stores in the nation at its peak.

Zara is a Spanish retailer that was founded in 1975 and has become world-famous for its trendy fashion lines. Recently, the company announced that it would be focusing more on its online sales and plans to close up to 1,200 stores worldwide.
Since the pandemic, Zara hasn’t been doing too well financially, as most of its storefronts have been empty for two years. Zara is looking for every way to save the company from going under and found that its online sales are keeping the company afloat. It is uncertain what the future looks like for Zara, but hopefully, it will be good.
H & M

H & M has been around since 1947, supplying people with the latest fashion trends. The Swedish company, in recent years, has been struggling to survive in this economy and has already closed down several stores around the world.
H&M already closed down 250 last year and plans to close down more. The company is investing more in its website as online sales are what is keeping them from going under. H & M is still making some of the most fashionable clothes, but finding a store in the future might be challenging as they want to operate entirely online.