Magic Door
Samantha even said, “it meant Bruno-the dog actually thought each door led to a “magical Narnia” that, whenever licked, would turn into a portal leading straight to canine relief”. When you might be finding this thing funny, the couple’s neighbors did not actually understand what all they were going through.
Nutty Behavior
When John told his close friends and neighbors about this weird behavior of Bruno’s, they expected that they all will help them out. But instead, people laughed over it and did not get how difficult it was for them to run from one door to another just to find their dog licking it.
Safety Concerns
More than anything, Samantha and John were worried if Bruno might hurt or injure himself in his act of running from door to door. There was a possibility that in hurry either of the partners closes the door and the pooch gets slammed. They were worried. And one day…
Walk Upstairs
One day Samantha decided to capture this strange act of her dog in the camera. She switched on the camera and walked towards Bruno who was sleeping in the kitchen. This time instead of the kitchen door, when Bruno saw Samantha coming towards him, got up and went upstairs. But why?
Oh No
The clever dog as a part of his antics rushed to the couple’s bedroom which was on a floor above and started to lick their bedroom door. Samantha was still shooting and thought that Bruno would stop and wait, but instead, he pooped right there itself. The poor lady felt disgusted.
Some Directions
Samantha by now was sure that Bruno needs to be trained yet again and even needs to have a clear picture of directions. He can’t be just moving about anywhere and relieve himself at any space. The poor doggo’s cute antics were now a big problem for his owners. We wish all the best to the couple.