Trusting Your Instincts
“A close friend of mine said it was just not in God’s will to find him Friday, that God has got a plan for everything and it was his plan for me to find him yesterday,” explained Todd. But can anyone else read signs as Todd did? Because accidents like this one take place every day and this can happen to anyone we know.
Spreading Awareness
“If you deliver to people — and a lot of people that we deliver to, especially in these rural areas, us, the FedEx man and the mailman might be the only people they see during the week,” explained Todd. He tries to spread awareness about the necessity of being alert all the time.
A Daily Habit
“I made it a point to tell the guys at work this morning. I told them if you realize and get a gut feeling that something is wrong, check it out. It probably is,” claimed the Navy Veteran. he further added, “Everyone is busy, but we have to stay aware when something doesn’t seem right.”
Looking Out For One Another
“There is no reason this man should be alive today — he’s the miracle,” said Todd who found a new goal in his life. He tries to talk to every new employee in his company about the seriousness of the moments like he had. And on top of everything, if humans won’t show humanity towards each other than who else will?
When the 88-year-old was taken in the ambulance, he said to one of the paramedics about Todd: “That’s a true friend.” This made Todd think twice and value his friendship more than ever. He even began a “buddy system” that will help friends like this 88-year-old in the future. Our today’s hero didn’t forget the Rottweiler as he found him a foster home until his hooman recovered completely and head back home.