No animal control

With passengers becoming increasingly agitated, station workers decided to contact animal control for assistance. However, they are severely understaffed and would not be able to arrive for at least another hour. That was going to take an eternity!
Calling the police

The only other choice was to contact the police. It sounded absurd to ask police assistance in capturing or chasing away a stray puppy, but the longer this delay lasted, the more train traffic would be disrupted, and the more money it would all cost.
15 valuable minutes

Because all of this was taking place at a major train station, the cops arrived shortly. But first, they needed to pick up some equipment from animal control, which would take around 15 minutes. 15 priceless minutes…
Getting some trains to pass

While the staff waited for the police to arrive, they did their utmost to ensure that at least some trains passed through safely. They attempted to lure the puppy to one of the tracks so that a train could slowly make its way onto the other track and continue its voyage.
Very dangerous

It was a sluggish and perilous prose. At one point, the dog went beneath one of the trains, bringing everything to a halt once more. Only two trains were able to pass in the time it took for the cops to arrive. And there was already a lot of train traffic in the area…
Police were quite serious

However, when the police arrived, most of the passengers who had been waiting impatiently were put at ease. They were clearly taking this seriously. They arrived with four fit-looking cops, fully armed with capture nets and a cage to lock the puppy in.
A matter of time

It was only a matter of time before they snatched the puppy. They immediately cornered and caught the homeless puppy in one of their nets. The animal squealed and trashed around as much as it could, but it didn’t help.
The puppy was resisting

The officer swiftly lifted the net containing the puppy off the train tracks and placed the distressed animal in the little cage they had prepared. When they close the little cage door, the puppy starts trashing in against the cage’s side. Every step is made in the direction of the railway tracks.