After the morning rush hour

Just after the daily morning rush hour, the station became less congested, and the number of trains passing decreased. Normally, this was the point at which staff could exhale a sigh of satisfaction that everything had gone as planned for the day. However, not this morning.
Seeing something move

They received a call from one of the train operators who had just passed through the station. He reported seeing something move on the track. He hadn’t noticed it until he was quite close, and he was lucky that it was at that moment on the track going the other way.
Checking it out

Employees took this call very seriously and rushed to the station deck, where there were already a few of people who appeared to have seen the same event and the train conductor. However, because it was quite well disguised, the personnel had difficulty seeing it at first.
A puppy on the tracks!

Lilly, one of the train station shop staff, was the one who first noticed it. It was scarcely moving and blended in with the rusted old train tracks. But she didn’t have any doubts. On the tracks, there was a puppy!
Every train had to stop

They were aware that they needed to act quickly. Someone quickly called the two nearest train conductors and the local headquarters to inform them that they should not enter the station for the time being because they needed to send personnel on the rails to get something off it.
Not in good shape

They were not allowed to enter the railroad tracks until they received approval from everyone. That was only for their own protection, plus also allowed onlookers to have a better look at the sad puppy on the rails. It was definitely in poor condition.