The Situation Worsens Everyday
The pain only grew with every day and soon, Alhanna wasn’t even able to walk properly. Was this pain the symptom of what Keola was trying to say from so long? Alhanna was now suffering from this extreme pain and the worst part was that she didn’t know if this was common pain during pregnancy or if she was dealing with something serious.
Where Is The Support?
Just like any pregnant woman, Alhanna too turned to her friends who had babies. She wanted to know if this pain was common during the course of pregnancy or not. Sadly, when she shared her pain with her mom and friends they suggested her to be tolerant and not be whinny about this usual pain. She was even warned about difficulties she’ll face during her delivery if she can’t bear the normal back pain.
Strike One
The pain grew so worse within a week that the couple had to rush to the hospital. They were holding each other’s hands when the doctor stated the amount and duration of pain differs from person to person. The couple wasn’t given any direct answers and was left more confused than before. Without any straightforward answers, the couple was feeling lost.
Concerning Yet Inconclusive News
The Butlers were asked to toughen up however, it wasn’t the solution. Alhanna did her part of research on the internet but nothing described her pains. She read all the online blogs written by health experts but couldn’t find anything.
Searching For Urgent Answers
Alhanna and Ricky weren’t satisfied with all the answers that they had received from the doctors and friends. To make this situation worse, they realized that Keola’s weirdness has reached new heights. Their sweet dog was staring at them without any pause. At last, Alhanna came up with an idea that might help her family and herself.
Keola’s Signs
Keola was now looking angry instead of being worried and the couple had to make a choice whether to ignore her again or do something about it. Ricky started to contact dog owners and dog-owning friends meanwhile Alhanna shared her then-present condition in a social media post. The outcome of this post was overwhelming. In hundreds of comments that she received, one was from the most important person of her life.