Someone’s Money
As we have mentioned earlier, Christine’s spending became a little too much that even she started to question herself. The amount she spent on bags alone could even buy a luxurious house! She had stuffed her dorm room with bags and everything luxurious that her whole spending amounted to a whopping 4.6 million dollars. This was sadly someone else’s money.
Bank Errors
So all that she had spent was actually not her money nor was it her parents’ money. She had been blindly treating herself like a princess with money that never belonged to her in the first place. What actually took place was that Christine’s bank had by chance given her a bit of an extension on their overdraft limit which was in a way, limitless.
No Limits
So this basically meant that she could use any sum of money, that there was no roof and the sky was the limit for her spending. For most of us, we would try to buy houses and cars but for Christine, her priorities were set on bags and designer goods. For about one year, this college student savored every minute of this bank error, buying everything and anything she wanted with no second thoughts.
Picked Up
We all have heard the saying ‘All good things come to an end’, right? Well, yes nothing lasts forever and Christine would understand this very clearly. She had spent almost $5 million at that point and it must have been heaven on earth for her. The bank took notice of the error in April of the following year, however, all the damage that could happen had already taken place.
Not Going To Be Happy
When the bank came to know about the error, they were quick to try and fix the issue. They reached out to Christine and immediately started interrogating her with what she had done with all the money. One of the senior managers who worked at the bank made a call to Ms. Lee demanding to know what she bought with all the millions. He was in for a huge surprise…
Time to Go
When they called her up, Christine absolutely refused to talk to the bank. She knew she was committing a crime so she did not want to speak to the managers of the bank who wanted to know about her spending. As soon as she realized that the jig was up, she tried her hardest to quickly get back to her hometown of Malaysia.