School In The 1940s

Centralia High School in the 1940s used to be an extremely renowned school with lots of activities happening out there. It was an educational hub promising to provide the holistic development of a student along with the basic academic syllabus. It was a celebrated school with a good number of students enrolled in it.

School To Church

People were excited to see the school getting converted into a church for it would be feasible for the crowd to reach the nearest gathering place, that is, the Church. Some people were of the opinion that it would be great if the plot on which the school was built, was considered to serve people. Moreover, people were believing in this theory.


The air was filled with rumors which could turn the perspective of an individual upsidedown. Since the school was not in use, some people were trying hard to convince the population that the school was haunted. The students left the school just because of that reason. The purpose of building a church was a measure to get rid of the haunting spirits.

Weave A Tale

The spark ignited and creativity of people came into light. Some people tried their level best to formulate a spooky scenario by creating a horror story according to which a girl killed herself in a classroom of this school. Her soul was still captured inside the classroom, not letting anyone study in the school.

Bury The Case

Adding on to that story, the burying of the case scenario happened. People came up with an astonishing connecting story that after the girl killed herself, the school authority and management would bury the case so that a stain could never get attached to the school’s name. This fantastic story had nothing to do with the reality though.

Ready To Work?

Before the initiation of the renovation, Baltzell was not sure whether workers would agree to work on the building or not. He was under the impression that since they were comparatively less educated, they would get influenced by the rumors regarding the building and would avoid going anywhere near to the place.