Still Surprised
As far as Cynthia is concerned, she was still in shock. ‘We were excited for them because she previously had told us that she lost a baby ‘So we thought, this is a great thing for them.’ Her own best friend did it to her.
The Clue
So when did she begin to grow suspicious? The woman recalls, ‘(Kaycee) asked me to be the one to know the gender of the baby. ‘When I saw the envelope and opened it and saw it was just a blue piece of paper, I was like mmm that’s kind of odd, but maybe that’s how they do this nowadays.’
Doubts Resurfaced
But when she heard about the demise of the infant, her doubts began to resurface. If the kid had respiratory problems then how did the doctors let the couple take him home. It didn’t make any sense. But what was wrong with the plan?
Lungs Filled
She said, “The baby had fluid in his lungs, but [the hospital] gave him back to her and said he’ll be fine. I knew this was fake. I couldn’t go and sit and watch this go on.” Cynthia had to look into it at any cost.
The idea was indeed terrible. Cynthia admitted, ‘I don’t know what their motive was but to hurt your family and everybody is just sick.’
The couple is waiting for their trial. This is really heartbreaking to see people actually stoops down to this level to get some money. The couple did not think for once that they were making a joke of those unlucky couples who actually experience these misfortunes.