The man who saved the life of this baby wombat became Mudsey’s favorite. He would cuddle and snuggle around him. Out of love, he would at times hold his fingers and would play with him. The animal was showing all the love he had for his human daddy.
A Program
The wildlife rescue center had a special programme under which the animals rescued are returned to the wild. Under this act, even Mudsey was supposed to go back to his natural environment. To make things easy for Mudsey, the rescuers started leaving Mudsey out of the center for a few hours daily so that he becomes comfortable with the surroundings.
Lucky One
Though all the odds were stacked against Mudsey ever since his mother was kicked in the head by the farm horse, he was lucky enough that he could get the right people’s help. Not all animals are this lucky and Mudsey will surely be grateful to the Wildlife Rescue South Coast for all his life. They gifted him an all new life which was all about love and care.
Here are some interesting facts about wombats.
The earliest marsupial species were of Diprotodon. And the longest one to live was found in Australia some 2.5 million years ago. That species was believed to weight 3 tons and stretch up to 14 feet from nose to tail.
Run Really Fast
Even with small stubble legs, these wombats can run really fast. Though they walk and dig burrows with small claws when it comes to running they are no less than marathon runners. They, when threatened, can run at a speed of 25 miles per hour with 90 seconds at a time.
Eats Hard Food
Though wombats are vegetarian beings they feed on scrubs, corns, and grass. They look for hard foods as they have special enzymes which have the tendency to break down roughage. Moreover, they have always growing teeth to make up for the constant wear.