Very Heartwarming
Upon hearing the truth behind the confusing sight, the train conductor was moved this woman’s generous nature. He was in awe and in disbelief that she did not wish to tell the guy to get up off of her seat. Since he was so touched by the young lady’s decision, the conductor decided to do something too…
To Help Out
As soon as the train conductor saw that this lady was generous, he made a decision. Seeing that she did something so sweet, he figured that she needed to be given a reward of sorts. He requested her to join him in another part of the train since he did not wish to disturb the sleeping elderly man…
Please Have A Seat
And the train conductor wanted to give something back to the lady. “Please follow me to the restaurant. I will find you an empty seat there,” the train conductor requested with a smile to the young woman. The woman then gladly went with him to the restaurant area. She was not expecting to get anything…
Such A Kind Heart
And so, after realizing how the lady in the train was, the conductor felt an obligation to do something sweet for her. Her kindness towards the elderly man allowed him to enjoy the journey on the train stress-free. To be able to help someone who needed her help was indeed a fulfilling feeling. No doubt the universe saw this and intervened…
Life Lesson
So we have learned that the young lady made a decision to show kindness and be selfless where she did not have to do so. And for most, this would not have been so easy. In crowded public transport, we all want to be as comfortable as we can don’t we? not done so. She truly serves as an inspiration to be selfless and a blessing, even to strangers.