Fully Supportive Parents
Jaequan is a kid that any parent would be proud to have as a son. After all, the young boy is learning to be somewhat financially independent, attempting to build himself a small business, if you may, that he can earn the money he needs for himself from. The fact that he is learning to be responsible from an early age is something truly inspiring. He received full support from his parents.
A Hard Worker
We must keep in mind that even Jaequan’s parents were folks that ought to be praised. They were focused on teaching him that people get cash and buy what they want or need by getting jobs and working for it. It was something that they needed to inculcate in the minds of their kids at a very young age. This is indeed a very tough lesson about life that most kids get shielded from.
A Special Kid
Jaequan had always been an obedient boy who wished to please other around him. Anyone who had ever met him could immediately tell that this boy was a well-behaved kid who was never a nuisance. Since Jaequan is a special boy, he did not react to the lessons about working hard like other kids normally would. He was quick to realize that in life, success comes to those who are not afraid to sweat for it.
A Negative Influence
Like we had mentioned, Jaequan is such a different child as compared to other his age. One amazing thing about Jaequan is that while his peers would probably spend their time experimenting and involving themselves with bad things and rebelling, he was not leaning towards this negative side at all. This young boy was not at all the kind to sit idle and waste his time, he was a determined kid.
Not All Supportive
This kid was not joking when he told his parents that he wanted to earn his own money. He was not just saying this, he was putting it into action. Jaequan would wake up in the wee hours of the day when he was not attending school to work on his business plan. He was a kid who wanted to make good of his life and not just wastes time. This seemed all positive but you will soon learn that others did not hesitate to be obstacles…
School Clothes
His parents were quite proud of the boy as he was not willing to take any money from them when he started his own business. He had a very inspiring reason behind why he wanted to make money and work. When people would ask Jaequan the reason why he would stand next to his hot dog stand, his reply was that he wanted to buy his own clothes when he went back to school.