Further Investigation
The investigators continued their investigation inside the tunnel for more clues that could lead them to the culprits behind them. The luck was behind the police and the criminal mastermind wasn’t that smart as they thought they were. So, the investigators found some boots print on the muddy soil that would soon help them to identify the criminal.
Professional Thieves
Even the FBI was impressed by the work of the criminals. The culprits were able to make a tunnel in the middle of the busy area. They were able to dig half the length of a football field tunnel, that too, on a public street which was surrounded by business buildings and moving traffic. Surprisingly, they were able to accomplish it without getting noticed. According to the FBI, they were professionals.
Covering Their Tracks
Was it the work of a single man or team? The FBI wasn’t aware of it. They used a mechanical tool that reel and release the rope which was found under the tree line. Obviously, the culprit was in a hurry to complete the task but he forgot that he was leaving tracks behind for the police that would soon lead them to him. They thought he was a professional but looking at his work the culprit was looking like a trained thief.
More Clues
After creating the tunnel the culprit made his way through to the damp Florida earth leaving his marks behind. He also used the winch and a small wagon that was found by the police and one step at a time the police were able to find other clues too that would lead them to a possible suspect. The investigators were trying hard to find the mastermind criminal who must have been now aware of the situation that the police is now on his tail.
Bringing The Sniffer
FBI knew that their investigation was going really slow and they had no possible leads. They brought in a sniffer dog to see if left any smell behind that inside the tunnel that could help them in catching the culprit. The dog caught some smell, made his way through the trenches, the dog led them to an empty space because there was nothing except the smell which was caught by the dog’s nose. Still, no success in the investigation the team was getting frustrated. They had to do something before the culprit flew away from the city.
No Loss To The Bank
When one team was busy collecting the leads, the other team of investigators was talking to the bank official to check if everything was in place. Fortunately, there was zero dollars stolen and zero casualties. The FBI was happy to see that were some success in their hands. So what was their plan? Did the culprit wanted to shake the bank’s foundation or it was all just an amateur playing around.