Calling The Forest Department
The police were still stuck on the animal theory. They called up the forest department to have their inputs on these holes that came out of nowhere. The forest department arrived at the scene and was looking at these two holes. They told the cops that this is no work of animal as animals are not capable to dig holes of such length and depth. Then what was it?
Going On
The cops had to be sure what it was. They decided to check it out by themselves as they thought that this was all just a waste of time. With a flashlight in his hand, the cop was inside the hole. Waving the flashlight in every direction he was searching for something, anything. As he went further, he felt something. Pointing the torch in the direction of his feet he found a small electric generator and more cords. What in the world was happening?
The Power Department
After consulting with both road and forest department, the police called up the power department to ask if they were the one responsible for this mess. The department was confused because they had no such work undergoing. The cops were holding their heads in their hands. Two holes made their life a living hell. Then the cops got an idea. They decided to check the CCTV cameras.
Check The Cameras
The police asked the Traffic Department about the CCTV footages to see from where this hole came out. The Traffic Department supported the cops and gave them the footage of 29th January. The police were looking at the footage very closely and slowly. It was a long task as they had no idea at what time the hole was dug out. Unfortunately, even the footages weren’t of any help to the police. There was no sign of any hole in the footage. Things were not looking good for the police and they felt like they were wasting their time on it. So, they did what they felt was right. And what was that?
Close The Hole
The police department felt like they were wasting their time on this and they could be doing something more productive than looking out for clues because there were two holes. The police thought that it could be all coincidence. The first hole was not a hole but actually, a road construction problem and the second hole could have been because of the animal. Both the holes could have been dug at the same time and this was all just a coincidence and nothing else. But what about the wires and electric generator?
Another Theory
The police were convinced that all of this was just a coincidence and nothing else. But what about the electric generator and chords? For that, the police said that it could have been there before also but just because the holes were now in open they got to know about them. They asked the Pembroke Pines Public Works to take out the generator and chords and fill the hole as soon as possible. Police were satisfied that they were able to solve the case and now could do actual police work. But then the police got a call…