
There is a reason why doctors stress on breastfeeding a child. However, it is more or less a personal choice that a woman makes. A mother’s milk is the ideal one for the infant. It is rich in all the necessary vitamins and minerals a child needs at this age. Moreover, it is a source of colostrum which helps baby fight infections for all his/her life. Jackie and Bodi took it to another level.

Be Bold

With this act of hers, Jackie inspires women to be bold and courageous. She wants women to fearlessly face the world and look after her children. Many women from the fear of being eyed chose to bottle feed their child, but Jackie requests them to be bold and a beautiful mother. While Bodi says…


Bodi, on the other hand, wants other women who support the choice of a woman feeding her child to cheer these women and encourage them to be proud of their choice. She feels there is no harm in supporting any act which is good.

The Superfamily

After that incident, Jackie’s and Tom’s relationship has just grown stronger. Tom always backs his wife in her decisions and supports her like a wall. While Jackie also respects him in every sense and trusts his love for her. They are a happy family of five who have made an impact worldwide.

Thanks To Her

Tom never thought that a single decision of her wife would make such a huge impact on the nation. They together thank Bodi, for supporting them more in this. These two women have discussed a topic which needed attention and if dealt properly can help the future moms live a confident life. The world would definitely thank these two.