Separating Them For Good
The Red Cross had no other option left but to separate the twins and let two different families adopt them. They were separated and adopted in the age when they could not understand anything at all. The twins were less than 2 years old when they were finally adopted by families located in far locations.
Attempts To Get Them Back
For the minute period of time when Elisabeth thought she was recovering, she tried to get her kids back. In a hope of reunion, she contacted the Red Cross and raised a family reunion case. She even requested to get her the photos of her sons.
Uncureable Disease

Finally, the doctors told her the truth of her state and the fact that she won’t be able to live for long enough. She couldn’t reunite with her kids as this would affect their mindset as a kid. The Red Cross had to deny her request for she was struggling herself and bringing the kids back would mean that they’ll be left with the same unfateful future once again.
Mom Passed Away Alone
George got all this information from the letter of his mom and from the records of the Red Cross. He even got the disheartening news of his mom’s death six years after their separation, in the year 1953. And his twin brother? That question remained unanswered… Was he alive? Did he know about George’s existence? Or was he equally unaware of it as George was a few months back?
Red Cross Family Tracing Case

George launched a Red Cross family tracing case, sadly, his search ended up being unsuccessful. His adoptive parents’ lies, his biological parent’s death, and the unsuccessful search of his twin brother were just too much to take. George moved out of Poland the same year.
An Incomplete Life

Though George moved far from his past and settled in California, he never really felt complete. His desperation to reunite with his brother made him contact the Red Cross and continue the search even from the U.S. but all his efforts went in vain.