Coming Across A Drawer
As Emil was walking around and looking at the items on this estate sale, he was open to buying things but was not particularly searching for anything specific. But at this particular event, Emil came upon a dresser immediately caught his attention. It was supposedly from the 1890s and it featured a solid marble top and three drawers. It was not too striking but was enough for him to inspect it…
What A Huge Bargain!
During the first day of the sale, this drawer had been placed at $300. And as we all know, the prices tend to drop really quickly during these sales. However, by the time Emil found it, they were able to give him the drawer in exchange for just $100! Since it did not hold too much value just by looking, the sellers were in a hurry to just sell it. No one knew what a bargain this would turn out to be.
Everyone Was Unaware
Even though these estate sales are usually handled by experts, they too often leave out details or forget to check items properly. So even for Premier Estate Sales, they were really unaware of just how much this dresser was worth. They knew that it was not at all worthless, but they were certainly not aware of what it was actually worth. It would surprise everyone, even Emil himself…
Loading The Drawer
So after purchasing the drawer for just $100, it was time to take it home. They got done with the sale and then it was finally time for loading the drawer to Emil’s vehicle. Jeff Allen, who is a staff member for the company, was assisting Emil in keeping the large dresser into his truck, as he had requested him to do so. And just then, something unexpected took place…
An Off Sound
Jeff and Emil then tried to get the drawer onto the trunk of his car. “He asked for help loading it,” Jeff told the interviewers who asked about what took place during that time. “As soon as we laid it down, it started making all this racket on the inside,” he revealed, talking about how they ended up realizing this was not just any random drawer, that it was holding a very big secret that no one was aware.
Triggering The Curious Men
As soon as they heard the strange sound coming from the drawer, it made them extra curious to uncover why it did so. “Obviously we were very intrigued with what was happening with the dresser,” Jeff admitted, to the people who were interviewing him. The two men were set on finding out what had been hiding there during the time the whole estate sale was going on.